I’ve been remiss in posting anything from our summer road trip (Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks this year). Mostly because I suffered from my usual post-vacation, “These photos suck” malaise and now that I like them better, I haven’t had much time for editing. I’ll get a bunch done tomorrow, though, since we have the day off due to the arrival of Iselle and Julio!

So here is the Grand Prismatic Spring at Yellowstone National Park:

“And once man can no longer walk with beauty or wonder at nature, his spirit will wither and his sustenance be wasted.” — Lyndon B. Johnson | © 2014 Sugar + Shake

We didn’t get the clearest view of the spring because the day, although super sunny, was REALLY cold, so the hot springs put off a lot of steam. It was pretty nifty—I got a great steam facial—but made it hard to see the pretty pool. Still, you can see the colors peeking through. The color comes from the various thermophilic bacteria that live there. You can’t tell from this shot, but in addition to being stunningly colorful, Grand Prismatic is incredibly vast. Check out this photo and notice the small plane and the walkway with the itty bitty people.

Grand Prismatic was in the news just this week due to the fact that some idiot crashed his drone into it. Ugh. It was incredibly upsetting to hear after visiting the Park and seeing how beautiful it was, on top of having seen a number of signs saying that some of the springs no longer spouted and pools have had their color diminished because visitors keep throwing things (coins in particular) in. Double ugh.