I’m deep in the throes of trying to update my Put It On My Plate website (ugh, don’t actually click that link; the site is terrible right now…), so I am just cheating on this post and sharing with you a link to ‘Ohana Grill Cookbook author Adrienne Robillard’s website, where she has shared the recipe for Teri Beef Sticks. Her brother, Thomas Robillard, and sister-in-law, Tess Bevernage, run a catering company, Hānai Family Table, in Vancouver, and they kindly shared their recipe with us for the book.

The challenge with photographing a lot of these local-style grilled meat recipes is that they are not the most interesting or attractive dishes. It’s just brown. Or brown and dark brown. I’m not a fan of garnish just for garnish-sake, but toward the end of the couple months of shooting, I was pretty much all about throwing some green onions on everything. (And in Shake’s opinion, EVERYTHING could use a pile of green onions anyway. I always have to cut him an extra baby Pyrex bowl of them. Although, since we’ve been safer-at-home-ing, he’s taken to finding great satisfaction in scissoring them himself. This is not quite as weird as it sounds; we have green onions growing in the backyard, so we harvest them with kitchen scissors, and he insists he’d rather just snip them into the bowl instead of doing the cutting board and knife thing.)

Anyway, these Teri Beef Sticks are delicious and super easy to make. If you don’t have a grill (or you don’t FEEL like hauling it out; I totally hear ya!), you can blast these in your broiler and achieve a similar effect. I am currently lacking in grill access (we have one, but it would involve having my dad backseat drive my grilling, and I am very spoiled from condo living where you don’t have to start the fire and someone cleans the grill for you, and I just can’t deal with all of that), so I have become a bit of a master of faking the grill with the broiler. It lacks that yummy, smoky, over-the-fire taste, but you can get those nice charred, crispy edges. (You do still need to soak your wooden skewers in water, just as you would for actual grilling, so they don’t burn and disintegrate when you pick them up. Guess how I know?)

Head over to Adrienne’s website for the recipe excerpt.

The book is coming soon, and you can use the button below to order via Bookshop, which benefits independent bookstores and also earns an extra commission for me.

The ‘Ohana Grill Cookbook
Publisher: Ulysses Press

Publish Date: September 29, 2020
Pages: 144
ISBN/EAN: 9781646040643

Buy at Bookshop.org